A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit

Church of the Transfiguration

 | 25225 Code Rd., Southfield, MI 48033      | 248-356-8787 

We are a Franciscan Body of Christ embracing all people

through liturgy and service.






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We are members of the South Oakland Vicariate Family 5


Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30 p.m.
Sunday: 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.


Monday - Friday: 12:00 p.m. (Noon)

(Church doors open at 11:30 a.m., except on Tuesday - doors open at 9:30 a.m.)


Tuesday: 10:30 a.m.
Saturday: 12:00 p.m. (Noon)

(Church doors open at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday)

Parish Registration

Registration forms can be found in the Gathering Room and the Parish Office.

Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation and Marriage

Arrangements can be made by contacting the Parish Office.


When a loved one passes away, please contact the Parish Office regarding funeral arrangements.

Christmas Masses

Christmas Eve


Tuesday, December 24

No confessions or 12:00 PM Noon Mass

4:30 PM Family Mass

10:00 PM Christmas Vigil


Christmas Day

Wednesday, December 25

10:00 AM Mass


Church of the Transfiguration

Attend Weekend Mass

Masses are livestreamed




December 21 - 22, 2024

4th Sunday of Advent

Saturday, December 21
Two priests available for confessions
12:00 -1:00 PM
Help set up trees in church
Sunday, December 22, 12 PM
(after 11 AM Mass)
Bring your infant Jesus to be blessed
at the 4th Sunday of Advent Masses!
Christmas Masses
Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 24
No confessions or 12:00 PM Noon Mass
4:30 PM Family Mass
10:00 PM Christmas Vigil
Christmas Day
Wednesday, December 25
10:00 AM Mass
December 28 - 29
Feast of the Holy Family
Regular Schedule
Tuesday December 31
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Vigil)
No confessions or 12:00 PM Noon Mass
4:30 PM Mass
Wednesday, January 1
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
10:00 AM Mass
Presented through the lens of the Christian faith, Faith and Racial Justice: Changing Systems and Structures gives you the tools needed to address racism at a systemic level. In this ten-session program by JustFaith Ministries, participants learn about key obstacles to racial justice that are embedded within our institutions, systems, and structures. They then develop tools to mobilize people and resources to dismantle those obstacles. For more information click here.


Events at Our Mother of Perpetual Help
Friday, December 20 - OMPH
7pm Blue Christmas Service
A Blue Christmas service is a quiet, contemplative service 
that usually happens on or near the winter solstice. 
The day, which has the longest night and the shortest day, 
is symbolic of our darker nights when we find ourselves 
grieving, lonely, or longing for something better. 
The Blue service is all about making space 
during a season that is noisy with celebration, 
to acknowledge the “both/and” of our emotions. 
It’s an avenue of making space for beautiful pastoral care 
and compassionate community for those who are struggling.
This service makes room for sadness, loneliness, or loss during the holidays.


Events at Our Lady of LaSalette
December Prayer Intention 
That we may have open hearts to hear God's voice
and faithfully say "yes" to the Lord's call.
Action Step
Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation
A reflection for the 4th Sunday of Advent -Luke 1:39-45 
Finally, on this Fourth Sunday of Advent in the gospel reading we hear of the expecting of a child but not one but two children. Mary goes to visit her kinswoman, Elizabeth. We learn both of these women are first time mothers. When Mary greets Elizabeth, the baby in Elizabeth's womb stirs. Elizabeth filled with the Holy Spirit pronounces a prophetic blessing upon Mary and the child she also carries, "Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb." (Lk 1:42) Elizabeth continues with her blessing, "Blessed is she who trusted that the Lord's word to her would be fulfilled." (Lk 1:45). Ever gave thought of what these two soon-to-be mothers were talking about during their visit.
"Blessing is a divine and life-giving action, the source of which the Father, his blessing is both word and gift. When applied to man, the word "blessing" means adoration and surrender to his Creator in thanksgiving," (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1078) In the Old Testament, "Blessing is conceived as a communication of life from Yahweh, with life come vigor and strength and success, which bring one peace of mind and peace with the world." (Dictionary of the Bible by John McKenzie, S.J.). In the New Testament the understanding of blessing is much the same as in the Old Testament.
We have been readying ourselves for the celebration of Christmas over these four weeks of Advent. The celebration of the birth of Jesus is the Father's blessing of word and gift of his son. "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him may not die but may have eternal life." (Jn 3:16) During these last days of the season of Advent and during the Christmas season why not like Elizabeth and pronounced a blessing upon those you meet. A simple blessing of word and gift upon another. Your blessing might cause stirring in someone's life. We are celebrating birth of a baby and what could be more blessed than the birth of our savior.
May God bless you during this Christmas season and have a most Holy and Merry Christmas.
Leonard Piasta
Our Mother of Perpetual Help
An Invitation from 
Family Sent on Mission Men’s Discussion Group.
For the past year, a group of men have been meeting monthly on a Saturday morning to share our lives as Catholic men. We have now reached the point where we want to expand participation and help develop a clear mission of “Where do we go from here?”.
All men of our family of parishes are invited to attend the next monthly Men’s Discussion Group scheduled for 9:00AM Saturday January 11th at Transfiguration Parish Hall. We hope to build a greater sense of community among our men and develop a mission for the group through discussion and prayer. These meetings would be a time set aside to share our spiritual journeys, views and experiences. There is no requirement to share.  If you just want to listen, that is fine. Please contact Chuck White at 734.635.2598 or chuckwhiteolofsj@gmail.com if you wish to attend so we can plan accordingly.




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